Search by Algolia
Add InstantSearch and Autocomplete to your search experience in just 5 minutes

Add InstantSearch and Autocomplete to your search experience in just 5 minutes

A good starting point for building a comprehensive search experience is a straightforward app template. When crafting your application’s ...

Imogen Lovera

Senior Product Manager

Best practices of conversion-focused ecommerce website design

Best practices of conversion-focused ecommerce website design

The inviting ecommerce website template that balances bright colors with plenty of white space. The stylized fonts for the headers ...

Catherine Dee

Search and Discovery writer

Ecommerce product listing pages: what they are and how to optimize them for maximum conversion

Ecommerce product listing pages: what they are and how to optimize them for maximum conversion

Imagine an online shopping experience designed to reflect your unique consumer needs and preferences — a digital world shaped completely around ...

Vincent Caruana

Senior Digital Marketing Manager, SEO

DevBit Recap: Winter 2023 — Community

DevBit Recap: Winter 2023 — Community

Winter is here for those in the northern hemisphere, with thoughts drifting toward cozy blankets and mulled wine. But before ...

Chuck Meyer

Sr. Developer Relations Engineer

How to create the highest-converting product detail pages (PDPs)

How to create the highest-converting product detail pages (PDPs)

What if there were a way to persuade shoppers who find your ecommerce site, ultimately making it to a product ...

Vincent Caruana

Senior Digital Marketing Manager, SEO

Highlights from GopherCon Australia 2023

Highlights from GopherCon Australia 2023

This year a bunch of our engineers from our Sydney office attended GopherCon AU at University of Technology, Sydney, in ...

David Howden
James Kozianski

David Howden &

James Kozianski

Enhancing customer engagement: The role of conversational commerce

Enhancing customer engagement: The role of conversational commerce

Second only to personalization, conversational commerce has been a hot topic of conversation (pun intended) amongst retailers for the better ...

Michael Klein

Principal, Klein4Retail

Craft a unique discovery experience with AI-powered recommendations

Craft a unique discovery experience with AI-powered recommendations

Algolia’s Recommend complements site search and discovery. As customers browse or search your site, dynamic recommendations encourage customers to ...

Maria Lungu

Frontend Engineer

What are product detail pages and why are they critical for ecommerce success?

What are product detail pages and why are they critical for ecommerce success?

Winter is coming, along with a bunch of houseguests. You want to replace your battered old sofa — after all,  the ...

Catherine Dee

Search and Discovery writer

Why weights are often counterproductive in ranking

Why weights are often counterproductive in ranking

Search is a very complex problem Search is a complex problem that is hard to customize to a particular use ...

Julien Lemoine

Co-founder & former CTO at Algolia

How to increase your ecommerce conversion rate in 2024

How to increase your ecommerce conversion rate in 2024

2%. That’s the average conversion rate for an online store. Unless you’re performing at Amazon’s promoted products ...

Vincent Caruana

Senior Digital Marketing Manager, SEO

How does a vector database work? A quick tutorial

How does a vector database work? A quick tutorial

What’s a vector database? And how different is it than a regular-old traditional relational database? If you’re ...

Catherine Dee

Search and Discovery writer

Removing outliers for A/B search tests

Removing outliers for A/B search tests

How do you measure the success of a new feature? How do you test the impact? There are different ways ...

Christopher Hawke

Senior Software Engineer

Easily integrate Algolia into native apps with FlutterFlow

Easily integrate Algolia into native apps with FlutterFlow

Algolia's advanced search capabilities pair seamlessly with iOS or Android Apps when using FlutterFlow. App development and search design ...

Chuck Meyer

Sr. Developer Relations Engineer

Algolia's search propels 1,000s of retailers to Black Friday success

Algolia's search propels 1,000s of retailers to Black Friday success

In the midst of the Black Friday shopping frenzy, Algolia soared to new heights, setting new records and delivering an ...

Bernadette Nixon

Chief Executive Officer and Board Member at Algolia

Generative AI’s impact on the ecommerce industry

Generative AI’s impact on the ecommerce industry

When was your last online shopping trip, and how did it go? For consumers, it’s becoming arguably tougher to ...

Vincent Caruana

Senior Digital Marketing Manager, SEO

What’s the average ecommerce conversion rate and how does yours compare?

What’s the average ecommerce conversion rate and how does yours compare?

Have you put your blood, sweat, and tears into perfecting your online store, only to see your conversion rates stuck ...

Vincent Caruana

Senior Digital Marketing Manager, SEO

What are AI chatbots, how do they work, and how have they impacted ecommerce?

What are AI chatbots, how do they work, and how have they impacted ecommerce?

“Hello, how can I help you today?”  This has to be the most tired, but nevertheless tried-and-true ...

Catherine Dee

Search and Discovery writer

Looking for something?


On September 14th and 15th, Algolia hosted our very first Developer Conference. It was two days of presentations, demos, and workshops focused on developers building search and discovery experiences for their users.

From me (Chuck Meyer) showing up to the pre-show in a robe, to the executive team crashing the wrap-up wearing party hats, we did our best to provide our developer community a fun, informative, casual, and authentic event.

Algolia Developer Advocates Chuck and Michael on a couch at DevCon 2022

We’ve compiled a recap post here of some of the event’s highlights, including embedded videos and links to the recordings of each session. There’s also a playlist on YouTube of the all the sessions. Let’s check out the highlights!

Welcome to Algolia DevCon! (Keynote and product demos)

During this year’s keynote (video above), CEO Bernadette Nixon talked about Algolia’s recently announced acquisition and the future of hybrid search APIs. Then the product team worked together to build a search and discovery application for Pokemon trading cards, debuting new features like the Algolia CLI (Khalid streaming from his hammock!), on into discussing hybrid recommendation models, as well as data Connectors & Flows. Finally, we got to see’s Neuralsearch technology in action.

7 Dysfunctions of Personalization Engines

Algolia Product Manager Ciprian (Chip) Borodescu walked us through his learnings on Personalization, the holy grail of customer experience, shown in the video above. He talked about some of the false assumptions around personalization, why you can’t just “throw more data” at the problem, and he then touched on some of the ethical concerns of using AI and machine learning in the context of user behavior.

InstantSearch, from its launch 7 years ago until today

A great search engine is nothing without a great user interface where users can easily interact with, find, and explore things. Algolia Product Manager Alexandre Collin walked us through the 7 year journey of Algolia InstantSearch. In the above video, he shares how far we have come and what the future holds for the front-end developers building world class Search & Discovery experiences.

Scaling Culture in a Remote World

Twilio VP of Culture Evangelism Ricky Robinett showcases amazing candor (an Algolia cultural value) while he shared some very personal stories on the importance and impact of Culture within an organization. In the video above, he shared examples from both his own, and his father’s lives, that have shaped how he sees the complexities of culture in the modern workplace.

Toward Increased Understanding: Semantic Search of the Future

Semantic search is the future, but is it the present? Algolia Principal Product Manager Dustin Coates walked us through key concepts for semantic search, (like weighted vectors), to provide a better understanding of why search engines must go beyond keywords in order to truly serve our users.

What devs are really searching for: 5 lessons we learned building a service used by 1M Developers

Openbase Founder & CEO Lior Grossman hosted a fun quiz show based on the analytics data collected as developers used their site to search for and discover open-source libraries. See if you can score 5 out of 5 on the quiz.

Expedite your implementation with Connectors & Flow


Algolia Staff Product Manager Keshia Rose took us deep into the future of data synchronization with a sneak peek at two upcoming data features, Connectors & Flows, coming later this year. She demonstrated how to extract and transform your data as you automatically load it into Algolia. You can also join the discussion on GitHub with Keshia’s team to decide what connectors to build next!

Delivering Developer Experience Excellence

Algolia Staff Software Engineer Sarah Dayan shared some of the many insights that she’s gained from her interviews (on Algolia’s Developer Experience (DX) podcast) with industry leaders from Vercel, CodeSandbox, Tailwind, and others. Subscribe to the podcast to listen to past and future episodes of the podcast on your favorite platform.

Manual work goes bye-bye with the new Algolia CLI

Algolia Sr. Technical Program Manager Khalid Elassaad ended day one by leaving his hammock to show us the serious tasks that he can accomplish with the Algolia CLI. He populated an index! He tweaked configuration! And he saved tons of times by catching bad settings early! What a great way to wrap up day one of DevCon!

Workshops and Hands-on Labs

We also hosted a series of demo labs throughout day one:

The DevCon momentum continued into day two with a series of hands-on workshops!

Sarah Dayan returned to the stream to teach us how to Integrate a search experience into a React app, while her teammate Dhaya did the same thing to Integrate a search experience into a vanilla JS storefront.

Finally, Algolia engineers Vlad and Mouaad wrapped up the conference by showing us how to Build a cross-platform search experience with Flutter.

Thanks to everyone who came to the conference! It was so great having your questions and energy present with us throughout both days. We can’t wait to see you again in 2023!

About the author
Chuck Meyer

Sr. Developer Relations Engineer


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