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UI libraries / Recommend / API reference

The recommend-react package lets you create a React-based recommend experience. It exposes both a Components and a Hooks API.

FrequentlyBoughtTogether The Frequently Bought Together React component renders recommended items from Algolia Recommend's Frequently Bought Together model.
RelatedProducts The RelatedProducts React component renders recommended items from Algolia Recommend's Related Products or Rellated Content models.
TrendingItems The Trending Items React component renders trending items from Algolia Recommend's Trending items model.
TrendingFacets The Trending Facets React component renders trending facets from Algolia Recommend's Trending Facets model.
useFrequentlyBoughtTogether A React hook to retrieve the Frequently Bought Together items.
useRecommendations A React hook to retrieve the Recommendations products for a given AI model.
useRelatedProducts A React hook to retrieve the Related Products and Related Content.
useTrendingItems A React hook to retrieve the Trending Items.
useTrendingFacets A React hook to retrieve the Trending Facets.
Recommend context provider This Recommend React component enables batching of Algolia Recommend components.
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