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What new data points have you learned lately?

Learning is never ending (hence the phrase “lifelong learning”), so chances are good that you’ve been acquiring some interesting new knowledge.

And when it comes to learning, machines are no different. You know, those generative applications like ChatGPT and other forms of artificial intelligence (AI) that are probably fast becoming part of your daily toolset. Well, they are actually a little different: these AI creations, sporting designs based on human neural networks — are far better learners than people, thanks to machine learning, which enables computers to learn and make data-analysis decisions without being explicitly programmed.

However, conscientious data scientists are quick to point out that machine learning has  limitations. That’s where continuous learning enters the mix. It enables intelligent machines to analyze large amounts of data, make predictions, and offer recommendations with more precision as the data changes. 

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Curious about how this computer-science methodology works? Let’s look at how continuous learning is shaking up entire industries and how predictive analytics are helping businesses make smart data-driven decisions.  

Continuous learning in machine learning  

In the data science world, continuous learning is a method in which a machine-learning model keeps developing and improving over time as it is exposed to new data. This is similar to the way in which we humans have learned skills and attained (or discarded) knowledge over the centuries. (Remember when humanity’s dataset posited that the Earth was the center of our solar system?)

Now machines are adapting to new streams of data, too. This ability is important for several reasons: 

  • Evolving data: The data that machine-learning models (ML models) encounter can change over time. There’s no getting around that. To maintain data accuracy and model effectiveness, these models need to continuously learn from new data. 
  • Real-time updates: With machine-learning models that operate in real time, such as ecommerce recommendation systems and fraud-detection systems, continuous learning allows instant adaptation to new input for providing relevant, high-quality information. 
  • Efficiency: Continuous learning can make the process of updating models more efficient. Instead of retraining a model from scratch with each new set of data, it can be incrementally updated. 

Machine learning vs. the continuous version 

While they are part of the same process, there are some fairly big data differences between the traditional machine-learning process and the continuous learning process: 

With traditional machine learning:

  • A machine is trained on a static set of data 
  • The new model is deployed, but it doesn’t learn from new data unless it’s retrained 
  • This is not ideal when dealing with data that changes dynamically over time or in situations where adaptation is necessary 

With continuous machine learning:

  • The model continually learns and adapts to new data 
  • In the same way as in the continuous-integration process for making code changes used by developers in a tool like GitHub, as new data comes in, the model updates and refines its understanding to supply more-accurate forecasting or decisions 
  • This is particularly valuable in environments where data patterns can change rapidly 
  • The machine-learning model stays relevant and maintains high performance over time 

The mechanics of continuous learning 

Here’s a step-by-step look at how continuous learning works: 

  1. Initial model training: The process begins with the training of a learning model using a baseline training set of data. 
  2. New data: As new info comes in, the machine-learning model is updated accordingly. This could be on a regular schedule (e.g., daily or weekly) or in real time as information arrives. 
  3. Model update: The model uses the new data to update its parameters. This might involve a full retraining of the model or, more commonly, an incremental update in which it adjusts its parameters based on the new data. 
  4. Evaluation: The performance of the updated trained model is evaluated. If it has improved, the model replaces the old one. If not, the old model is usually retained. 
  5. Repeat: This process of new data arriving, model updating, and evaluation is repeated continuously, allowing the model to learn and adapt over time in order to produce better results. 

Key elements and processes of continuous learning 

Several facets are involved in continuous learning: 

  • Data stream: This could be in the form of a continuous flow of real-time data or regular batches of new data
  • Learning algorithm: This must be capable of incremental learning and able to update the model’s parameters based on new data without needing to retrain the entire model from scratch. 
  • Evaluation: Regular evaluation is crucial to ensure that the model’s performance is improving over time 

The role of data in continuous learning 

Data plays a crucial role in continuous learning, providing the information that the model uses to learn and adapt. Without new data, there can be no optimization: a model can’t improve its performance or adapt to changes.

The data needs to be relevant to the problem the model is trying to solve and be accurate and reliable to ensure that the model is learning the right lessons in its workflow. In the context of continuous learning, data is not just a one-time requirement but a continuous necessity. 

The power of machine-learning predictions  

Predictions are a quintessential aspect of machine learning. Their accuracy determines the effectiveness of the machine-learning model. Inaccurate predictions can lead to incorrect decisions and actions, which can have profound consequences. For example, an inaccurate prediction in a medical-diagnosis model could lead to the prescribing of incorrect and potentially harmful treatment. 

The process of making predictions with machine learning involves training a model on a set of input-output pairs (training data), and then using that model to make predictions on new, unseen input data.

This is what happens: 

  • Model training: The machine-learning model is trained on the training data, learning to associate inputs with outputs. This involves finding patterns and relationships in the data that can be used by the prediction model. 
  • Model evaluation: The model’s performance is evaluated on a separate set of data (validation data), providing metrics on how well the model can generalize to new, unseen data tasks. 
  • Prediction: Once the model has been trained and evaluated, it can be used to make predictions on new input data. The model takes in new data and outputs a prediction based on what it has learned during training. 
  • Continuous learning: The model’s predictions are continually updated as new data comes in, allowing it to adapt to changes and improve its accuracy over time. 

Improving accuracy of real-world predictions and recommendations 

As a model is exposed to more data, it learns more about the underlying patterns and relationships, which allows it to make more-accurate predictions and recommendations.

What does this do? More-accurate and personalized predictions improve decision-making, increase sales, and increase customer satisfaction. In fact, companies can expect to generate 40% more revenue by focusing on personalization tactics. 

Continuous learning is employed in use cases by companies like these: 

  • Netflix: Whenever you select a movie or series to watch, a continuous-learning training pipeline is involved. By continually informing its recommendation systems of your latest interests, history, and preferences, Netflix can “intuitively” suggest movies and shows you might like. The software continually considers your interactions and feedback, which explains why you might see a recommendation for the next true-crime hit or rom-com. 
  • Amazon: You’re alongside continuous learning with every Amazon purchase you make, thanks to the site’s recommendation system. Your “Frequently bought together” and other suggestions are birthed as a direct result of your browsing history, past purchases, and items in your shopping cart. All your interactions allow the recommendation system to paint a near-perfect picture of what else you may want. 
  • Spotify: Do you love Spotify’s curated personalized playlists? Its continuous-learning technology is taking note of your listening history, song likes, and song skips to keep improving its recommendations and hit the chords that sound just right to you. 
  • YouTube: The system  updates as you interact with different videos. Continuous learning suggests Big Think and other channels through its recommendation system based on your viewing history, likes, and dislikes. 
  • Facebook (and other social-media channels): Continuous learning is used to personalize the content in your news feed. It learns from your interactions and the time you spend viewing various posts. That way, it can continually refine which content is the most relevant for presenting in your feed.

Continuous machine learning has the potential to revolutionize predictions and recommendations in sectors beyond ecommerce, as well, for example: 

  • Healthcare: Continuous learning can help in predicting disease outbreaks and patient health outcomes. It can adapt to new health data as it comes in, making predictions more accurate and timely. 
  • Finance: Continuous learning can improve risk assessment and fraud-detection models by adapting to new transaction data in real time. 
  • Education: It can revolutionize personalized learning systems by adapting to students’ progress and providing tailored recommendations that help them move from one learning stage to the next. 

The future of continuous learning  

In terms of machine-learning algorithms, is this technology going to be continually bright? Here’s what experts expect: 

  • Enhanced algorithms: With ongoing advances in machine-learning projects, we can expect to see more-sophisticated continuous-learning algorithms. These will be designed to adapt and learn from new data more effectively and efficiently. 
  • Real-time learning: As the demand for real-time analysis and predictions increases, continuous learning will become even more important. Machine-learning models will need to learn and adapt in real time to provide the most accurate and timely predictions. 
  • Increased automation: The future may see more automation in continuous learning. Automated systems will manage the process of updating machine-learning models with new data, reducing the need for manual intervention. 
  • Integration with AI: Continuous learning is likely to become a critical component of AI systems. It will enable AI to adapt to new information and changes in the environment, making AI systems more flexible and effective. 

Put continuous learning to work for your business   

Continuous learning is slated to keep making businesses more successful and revolutionizing industries in the process. For our part, at Algolia, we’ll be utilizing it with our API to deliver increasingly state-of-the-art search and discovery experiences.

Want to harness the power of continuous learning for your site visitors or app users? Check out our neural search functionality and contact us today.

About the author
Vincent Caruana

Senior Digital Marketing Manager, SEO

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