Search by Algolia
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How to create the highest-converting product detail pages (PDPs)

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Search is a very complex problem Search is a complex problem that is hard to customize to a particular use ...

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Looking for something?


We’ve always been looking to leverage the best technologies to solve the numerous challenges of consumer-grade search, including AI. But first, why is AI necessary for search?

Search is an ever-evolving puzzle

Search is a problem that can never be solved — it comes with a set of unique challenges that are always evolving. Every customer is different and even individual customer needs change over time, so there can never be a, “one size fits all” configuration for search & discovery.

There are four main reasons for that:

  • We all search in a “messy”, unpredictable way, as we use different words to describe the same things, make typos, etc.
  • We don’t all expect the same results for the same search.
  • The results we expect change over time. Just think about what people expect when looking for “masks” in 2019 versus today!
  • What might be the most relevant result isn’t necessarily the result businesses want to show first.

All of these challenges make Search extremely difficult to master. And fixing those challenges manually is impossible, as there are too many fast-changing parameters to take into account.

That’s why Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the perfect technology to apply and solve these search challenges.

All AI powered search are not equal

Until today, the options to apply AI to search were to build your entire search stack from scratch, or to purchase third party “AI search” solutions. Both approaches were insufficient.

For DIY, you need to gather the team with the right skill sets, infrastructure and tools to build your own AI models and apply them to your search.

On the packaged AI search solutions side, most are canned and difficult to customize. They give no control and visibility to businesses.

Enter Algolia AI

Algolia AI is a family of AI algorithms that addresses every dimension of the Search and Discovery experience.

First, It enables you to understand all types of users and searches. 

  • Natural Language Processing, allows Algolia to recognize searches in over 70 languages
  • Natural Language Understanding recognizes the intent and the entities in search requests, to run much more targeted searches.  
  • Dynamic Synonym Suggestions continuously optimizes the experience with AI generated synonyms, so no matter the words users use to describe an item, they will find it. 

End to End Search AI

“ABC being the largest news platform in Australia, our audience is very diverse. It makes it difficult to continuously connect our visitors to the right content across our 1M+ articles. Since using Dynamic Synonym Suggestions, we’ve seen our search greatly improving on

Peter Buffington, Product Manager at Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Once Algolia understands the users intent, the next step is to return the most relevant results. Algolia AI surfaces the perfect results for each search and user.

“For a retailer like us with more than 25,000 products in our catalog, a solution that improves each of our users’ experiences along their search journey adds tremendous value. Algolia’s built-in personalization represents a real step forward in the digital era for Decathlon Singapore.”

Richard Migette, ecommerce project leader at Decathlon Singapore

Keep businesses in control

There will be cases when Algolia AI can’t replace humans. That’s why it is tightly integrated with our search and discovery management tools. It works with our custom ranking formula, so our customers can use margin, availability, user reviews or any other data to influence relevance, and can still merchandise any search using our Rules, and our Visual Editor. This way, business users always have control of the experience.

Finally Algolia AI provides transparency in how results are displayed and allows customers to modify the relevance and ranking algorithm to maximize KPI outcomes.

“Thanks to Algolia’s flexibility and its robust Rules API, we are able to combine our unique data science expertise to Algolia’s state-of-the-art textual relevance. This approach has delivered a considerable conversion rate uplift on our search and on Algolia powered Google Shopping landing pages.”

–  Etienne Desbrières, Senior Product Manager at ManoMano

Get started today

Algolia NeuralSearch, Dynamic Reranking, and Personalization are all available today. You can sign up for a custom demo or start your free trial to see how it works for your business. 

About the author
Matthieu Blandineau

Sr. Product Marketing Manager


Algolia AI

The right AI tools to build great search experiences. Deploy tailored experiences powered by self optimizing intent and entity detection, relevance and personalization in a matter of clicks.

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