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API client / Methods / Indexing
Required API Key: any key with the deleteIndex ACL
Method signature

We released a new version of the PHP API client in public beta. Read the beta documentation for more information.

We released a new version of the JavaScript API client in public beta. Read the beta documentation for more information.

We released a new version of the Java API client in public beta. Read the beta documentation for more information.

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About this method

Clear the records of an index without affecting its settings.

This method enables you to delete an index’s contents (records) without removing any settings, rules and synonyms.

If you want to remove the entire index and not just its records, use the delete method instead.

Clearing an index will have no impact on its Analytics data because you cannot clear an index’s analytics data.

Clearing an index counts as one operation. Note, however, that this operation is expensive:

  • when you have more than 100 requests pending, your requests will be throttled.
  • when you have more than 5000 requests pending, further requests will be ignored.
  • if needed, these values can be tuned through configuration.


Read the Algolia CLI documentation for more information.



Parameter Description
type: key/value mapping
default: No request options

A mapping of requestOptions to send along with the request.


This section shows the JSON response returned by the API. Each API client encapsulates this response inside objects specific to the programming language, so that the actual response might be different. You can view the response by using the getLogs method. Don’t rely on the order of attributes in the response, as JSON doesn’t guarantee the ordering of keys in objects.

JSON format

  "updatedAt": "2017-12-18T21:22:40.761Z",
  "taskID": 19541511530
Field Description

Date at which the job to clear the index has been created.


This is the taskID which is used with the waitTask method.

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